This theme is designed for use with WordPress v6.0 or higher. If you are not using WordPress 6.0 or higher and can upgrade your site we recommend you do this before installation.
Theme Require​ments
WordPress v6.0 or higher
PHP 7.4 or higher and MySQL 7.4 or higher
Memory limit (memory_limit) should be atleast 128MB
Maxium File Upload size (upload_max_filesize) should be atleast 32MB
Responsive Design
Live Customization Options
Google Fonts Supports (You can change body and heading tag fonts)
Home 01
Home 02
Home 03
Gallery Details
Team Details
Blog Deatils
404 Page
Plugins Supports
Elementor page builder
One Click Importer
Redux Framework
Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails
MailChimp for WordPress
Translation Ready
Theme Installation
Installing the theme can be done two ways. You can upload the theme ZIP file using the built in WordPress theme upload, or copy the files through an FTP client.
1) Using WordPress Theme Upload
Login to your WordPress admin.
In the "Appearance > Themes" menu click the tab "Install Themes"
At the top of the page click, "Upload", then click the file input to select a file.
Select the zipped theme file, "Maximix - Business", and click "Install Now"
After installation you will receive a success message confirming your new install.
Click the link "Activate"
2) Uploading by FTP
Login to your FTP server and navigate to your WordPress themes directory. Normally this would be "wp-content/themes"
Extract the files from the zipped theme.
Copy the folder "Maximix - Business Consulting" to your themes directory.
After the files finish uploading, login to your WordPress admin.
In the "Appearance" menu click "Themes"
Click "Activate" for the theme "Maximix - Business Consulting"
Install Required Plugins
After installing theme, you need to install required plugins. You will see a notice for install required plugins.
Click on "Maximix - Business Consulting installing plugins". Or go "Appearance > Install Plugins".
You will see list of plugin need to be installed. Now, check all plugins & select bulk options "install" and click "Apply".
All plugin will be installed. Now, Click on "Return to Required Plugins Installer".
You need to active plugins. Now, check all plugins & select bulk options "Active" and click "Apply".
Click on "Return to the Dashboard" .
Import Demo Data
IMPORTANT NOTE: If your site is running then you don't need to import demo content.
If you want to import data then follow the following steps.
Go to the admin area "Appearance > Import Demo Data".
Now, Click on "Import Demo Data" button.
Menu Settings
If you want to Menu Settings then follow the following steps.
Go to the admin area "Appearance > Menu > Manage Locations
Theme Options
This section provides overview of the theme options configuration. It will help you get started quickly by introducing the theme structure and settings. Theme Options are located in "Appearance > Customize"
Theme Elementor
This section provides overview of the theme options configuration. It will help you get started quickly by introducing the theme structure and settings. Theme Options are located in "Appearance > Customize"
Custome Widget
Menu Settings
The Menu in Maximix - Business Consultingtheme based
Go to Appearance > Menus
Now you need to add your menu items on the Menu Structure Area. Then, Select menu position and click Save Menu button.
Maximix - Business Consulting comes with 5 different post formats: Standard, Video, Images,Quote, and Link.
We're using plugin Vafpress Post Formats UI to help you create different posts format. You can install this plugin via Appearance > Install Plugins. After install this plugin, you will see post format tabs above the post title when you edit/ add new a post.
When you write a new post, you need to choose what format your post is and insert the necessary info.
Contact Form
If you have imported demo
Change contact form shortcode on contact page. First copy shortcode of "Contact us Maximix - Business Consulting" form "Contact > Contact Forms", then open "Contact" page from pages and edit it.
If you don't have imported demo
For contact page, we recommend use the plugin "Contact Form 7" because we have done pre-styling form for this plugin. When you create your own form use the following code:
<label> Your Name (required) [text* your-name] </label>
<label> Your Email (required) [email* your-email] </label>
<label> Subject [text your-subject] </label>
<label> Your Message [textarea your-message] </label>
<label>[submit "Send"]</label>
Child Theme
Child theme are considered the best way to customize your WordPress themes. A child theme inherits all the features and appearance of its parent theme. You can customize it without affecting the parent theme. This allows you to easily update parent theme without worrying about losing your changes.
We have provided child theme of Maximix - Business Consulting. You can find Maximix - Business in downloaded package from Themeforest
Always use a child theme if you are modifying core code .